
23 February 2015

This is What's UP!

Sleepovers! All day Every Day!
This week has been full of ups and downs, but I prefer just to think about the ups. I have seen huge changes in the sisters! They are teaching with more passion and love for those whom they are teaching.
The good side.
Sometimes it´s hard to wake up early
to go to a different area ever day,
but I know Heavenly Father´s
happy with my work, because
He shows His love for me like this.

What I have learned most observing and teaching the sisters is the importance of diligence. Everything President Cabral asked us to teach has already been taught, most of it many times. So why do we have to teach it to everyone? When we learn these things in our zone meetings and mission conferences, we are always excited and know that we have a lot of repenting to do. We go home and ask for the Lord to help us to be better teachers and then we immediately start to change our ways. 
At first it seems easy. We´re so excited! We see immediately the fruits of our labors and we are so greatful for being taught what is best. Then we start to get tired, because the best things require a lot of work and energy and sometimes energy is in short supply. We start to go back to our old habbits until there isn't any evidence that we ever made any kind of change. This is sad, but if we don´t constantly evaluate our goals, we will end up giving up without even realizing it. We are trying to help the sisters to remember everything they've been taught and help them to make these things real habits. We've had so many amazing experiences and I hope they will be able to keep up the good work. 
Bus stop studying
      Sister Byrne and I will be starting round two of  the exchanges next week, so we´ll be seeing who (one month later) is still practicing good teaching of the gospel. Sorry if my English is weird. I don´t use it much. Can´t even imagine my German! Okay. I just sent an email to my family in Germany and I will have to pray that they can read it. But I´ll worry about that when I get back. It´s still mission time! 

Your Little Missionary

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